Archives for Fabian's Astrophysics Website

FRB optical constraints paper published

SUSPECT Project overview paper published

FRB multiwavelength constraints paper published

SUSPECT Project website is online

Pulsar and FRB talks at Paris SKA conference

Pulsar fold mode for scatfit scattering fit software and data verification

Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS seen from Orléans

Fête de la science 2024 science festival at the CNRS Orléans

How to archive emails offline with Thunderbird

Elie Daoura’s Master’s student project ends

SUSPECT paper I submitted and on the arXiv

First MeerKAT FRB repeater discovered

CNRS Eduroam WiFi access

My contribution to the CNRS photo competition “Regarde la science”

MeerKAT@5 conference in South Africa

Group photo CNRS Orléans/Nançay team

How to generate my publication list automatically using the NASA ADS Python library

Scatfit software on PyPI, CI/CD tasks, and Readthedocs documentation

Killian Lebreton finished his Master’s student project

MeerTRAP FRB paper II accepted for publication

Orléans/Nançay team at the Kerastari NS & FRB meeting

New research position at the CNRS in France

MeerTRAP FRB paper splash on the arXiv today

Scatfit: Scattering fits of time domain radio signals (Fast Radio Bursts or pulsars) software published

IAU General Assembly 2022 and FRB symposium

IAU FRB outreach video published

MeerTRAP FRB paper I published

76-second neutron star Nature Astronomy discovery paper published and press release

MeerTRAP: Twelve Galactic fast transients detected in a real-time, commensal MeerKAT survey paper published

Invited talk about the broadband emission of neutron stars

Website overhauled

An analysis of the time-frequency structure of several bursts from FRB 121102 paper published

Educational programming material published

Constraints on wide-band radiative changes after a glitch in PSR J1452-6036 paper published

Multi-frequency observations of SGR J1935+2154 paper published

Website relocated to new server

Real-time triggering capabilities for Fast Radio Bursts at the MeerKAT telescope paper published

Website switched to HTTPS secured access

Searches for Fast Radio Bursts with the MeerKAT telescopes poster at RAS ECR exhibition

Magnetar Swift J1818.0-1607 after its outburst paper published

Public outreach talk and ask-me-anything session

UTMOST pulsar timing programme I software and VizieR data release

Winner team machine learning hack night

UTMOST pulsar timing programme I — overview and first results paper published

Collaborative MWA & UTMOST paper on the intermittent pulsar J1107-5907

Two new Fast Radio Bursts Discovered with UTMOST

Discovery of FRB180923 by SUPERB at the Parkes Radio Telescope

Detection of a glitch in the rotation of PSR J1709-4429 with UTMOST

Detection of the 6th Fast Radio Burst at the Molonglo Radio Telescope

Upper limits on radio afterglow emission and previous outburst for the very bright FRB180309

Spectral properties of 441 radio pulsars

10k tied-array beam pulsar observations at UTMOST

Website launched