FRB optical constraints paper published
Our paper on FRB optical constraints was accepted for publication in the journal MNRAS!
more ...Our paper on FRB optical constraints was accepted for publication in the journal MNRAS!
more ...Our paper on FRB multiwavelength constraints was accepted for publication!
more ...I recently attended the AstroRadioFr24 conference at the École normale supérieure (ENS) in the heart of Paris, where I presented two talks about radio pulsars and fast radio bursts (FRBs). The conference also aimed to prepare the French radio astronomy community for the arrival of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA …
more ...I maintain a software tool called scatfit, which I designed and implemented in 2022 to perform scattering fits of very low-S/N fast radio burst (FRB) data. Its primary aim is to measure the scatter broadening incurred by a radio signal (impulse) as it traverses various Galactic and extragalactic turbulent …
more ...The MeerTRAP team recently discovered the first repeating fast radio burst (FRB), FRB 20240619D, with the MeerKAT telescope. Despite the MeerKAT discoveries of dozens of apparently one-off FRBs, canonical radio pulsars, and long-period radio sources, this is the first discovery of a clearly repeating FRB source with MeerKAT.
Here is …
more ...I recently uploaded our scatfit
pulse profile scattering fit and simulation software to the official Python Package Index (PyPI). That means you can install it simply by typing
$ pip install scatfit
in one of your shell windows.
As scatfit
includes compiled binary extensions to speed up the model evaluation (by …
My MeerKAT FRB paper was accepted for publication!
Please find the abstract and selected plots from the paper below.
more ...We present a sample of well-localised Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) discovered by the MeerTRAP project at the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa. We discovered the three FRBs in single coherent tied-array …
We had a good representation of the Orléans/Nançay pulsar and FRB team at the 2023 Kerastari neutron star & FRB meeting in Greece. Overall, we had five talks from the group covering topics from FRBs and pulsars to SETI.
It was a truly excellent meeting! The talk quality and topic …
more ...I recently started a new academic research position at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Université d’Orléans in the beautiful city of Orléans, France. I will work on pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts as part of a more extensive multi-wavelength collaboration and with several radio …
more ...We had a bit of a “paper splash” today with 4 new MeerTRAP FRB papers posted on the arXiv this morning. I just wanted to quickly share the excitement with you, as it is quite a rare opportunity, at least for such a significant release.
Please find the links to …
more ...I recently published software for performing scattering fits of time domain radio signals from Fast Radio Bursts or pulsars on the Astrophysics Source Code Library (ASCL). Please find its description below.
Impulsive time domain radio signals, such as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) or pulsars pulses, undergo several propagation effects in …
more ...I recently had the privilege and opportunity to travel to South Korea and present my research at the IAU General Assembly 2022 in Busan. In particular, I gave a face-to-face presentation at the IAU369 FRB symposium about my FRB research with the MeerKAT telescope.
Unfortunately, my outward flight from the …
more ...If you want to learn what Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are, have a look at these 1-2 minutes long videos recorded in various languages. It is pretty interesting to hear the same material spoken in serval languages. This effort was done as part of the IAU 2022 General assembly (IAUGA …
more ...Our paper led by Dr Kaustubh Rajwade on the first three Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) reported by MeerTRAP was published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. We report on their discoveries, localisations, scattering and scintillation properties and identify a potential host galaxy for one of them …
more ...Our paper led by PhD student Tiaan Bezuidenhout on the first twelve Galactic sources discovered with the MeerTRAP single-pulse search instrument at the MeerKAT telescope in South Africa was accepted for publication in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. It reports on twelve discoveries of what might …
more ...Our paper led by Emma Platts on a sample of bursts from the repeating Fast Radio Burst (FRB) source called FRB 121102 was recently accepted for publication in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. It reports a more in-depth analysis of several bursts from that FRB source …
more ...I have a new publication on the arXiv this week. It is a short conference proceedings paper (ADASS XXX 2020) on some technical development work that we did (and are still working on) as part of the MeerTRAP project regarding real-time triggering techniques for Fast Radio Bursts. I am pretty …
more ...Here is my contribution to the Early Career Researcher poster exhibition of the Royal Astronomical Society about our “Searches for Fast Radio Bursts with the MeerKAT telescopes”.
I had to summarise and abstract our work quite drastically, and I tried to use non-technical language as far as possible so that …
more ...Today I gave a short public talk about my research at Jodrell Bank Observatory as part of the ‘Meet the Expert’ session. After the presentation, there were about 30 minutes of questions where people could ask me anything related to astronomy, astrophysics or physics in general (this is a somewhat …
more ...We have discovered two fast radio bursts (FRBs) in short succession as part of the ongoing search programme at the Molonglo Observatory Radio Telescope. They are FRB181016 and FRB181017, respectively. We summarise their detection UTCs, their right-ascensions, their declinations (J2000) and the dispersion measures (DMs) that maximise the signal-to-noise ratios …
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