
We usually offer Master’s in Astrophysics student research projects (M2 & M1) that typically begin between February and April. Please look at the SF2A Master’s website for open calls or send me an email.


I successfully tutored parts of several university courses, such as Mathematics & Astronomy 1, Physics 1, and Physics 2 at the University of Manchester.


  • March – August 2024: Elie Daoura, M2 Master’s project (50 % workload shared with Dr Jean-Mathias Griessmeier), University of Orléans, CNRS.

  • March – August 2023: Killian Lebreton, M2 Master’s project (50 % workload shared with Dr Jean-Mathias Griessmeier), University of Orléans, CNRS, graduation in early 2024.

Educational material

Some of my educational material is available online in my Educational programming BitBucket repository.